Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Care by Parent...Baylee Coming Home!

Tonight, Brent and I get to do "Care by Parent" with Baylee. Care by Parent is where Brent and I stay overnight at the NICU in a room set up like a bedroom and take care of Baylee by ourselves for the night. If everything goes well, and we are confident it will, Baylee will be discharged tomorrow morning! All of the girls are eating well and gaining weight. Addison and Reagan are just a few ounces behind Baylee and won't be able to come home until they weigh around 2000 grams and are feeding from a bottle for every feeding. Right now, they are only bottle feeding 3 times a day. That could change to bottle feeding every other feeding as long as they keep eating as well as they are now.
We can't wait for Baylee to come home tomorrow! Her Gran will be here to help us care for her over the next few days since I will still need to be back and forth to the NICU for feedings with Addison and Reagan. Their Grammy will be here on Sunday help take care of Baylee for me until Reagan and Addison are home as well.
We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family! We love you all!

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