Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Zoo!

Brent and I decided to get out as a family this weekend and take the girls to the zoo! Even though they weren't really sure what they were looking at, we are pretty sure they had a great time...even though we went at 9 am and skipped their morning nap. I know, did I lose my mind?! No, I figured it would be better to go before it got blazing hot outside and the girls would behave as long as they were entertained and we would just push their nap back. It worked...they were perfect but after about an hour Reagan was leaning over in the choo choo trying to lay her head down to go to sleep so we headed for the door.
This is us on our way in...yes, someone actually was taking pictures of us with his camera phone in the parking lot. I wanted to snatch it from him and stomp on it! But I refrained and we ignored him.
Daddy paying to let us in...
The tigers! The most entertaining part...
He (or she, not really sure) was playing with this log in their little pond...

Our cute girls! They were wearing their pink dresses with the giraffe on it...
They were in front of the rhinos here but you can't really see them because of the light
Orangutan! It was eating something out of a little, yellow box...

Lazy lion...he's the king of the jungle, he doesn't have to do a darn thing if he doesn't want to...I guess it's good to be king

We had a great time getting out with the girls and we beat the heat for the most part. We can't wait to take them again when they are a little older and can enjoy seeing the animals more. They were more entertained staring back at all of the people staring at them.

Later on today, we got them out again to go for a rush trip to the grocery store. Brent pushed the double stroller and I took the basket with Baylee sitting up front. It was a very quick trip in and out, but I always think it is funny when people see the double stroller and they say, "Ohhhh, how cute, twins!" then they see Baylee and realize they are all wearing the same thing and are the same age and then they say, "Oh my goodness, TRIPLETS!" By the time they get to that point, I am zooming by them and not slowing down. No eye contact and no one has to stop and answer any questions, that's the best way to do it. ;)

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